What and Why?

Penn State students: We want who you are to align with what you do, and LinkedIn is a first step to help you get there. In this session you will learn our best practice recommendations for building an all-star profile that tells your professional story. You will walk away armed with the knowledge to

  • build a profile that attracts attention
  • expand your network
  • publish content on LinkedIn
  • connect with Alumni
  • acquire new skills with LinkedIn Learning
  • and more…

NOTE: This session is not intended to cover the basic mechanics of setting up a LinkedIn profile.  If you are new to LinkedIn and want to familiarize yourself before the session, check out the course Learning LinkedIn.



Register for Rock Your LinkedIn Profile on October 27, 2021 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm EST



Jen Jortner Cassidy will be leading this session. Jen is a Customer Success Manager at LinkedIn and is focused specifically on supporting LinkedIn Learning for colleges and universities.  She is passionate about learning and ensuring that faculty, staff, and students get the most out of the services that LinkedIn offers.  Jen holds a master’s degree in Adult and Organizational Learning from Suffolk University and a graduate certificate in Mindfulness Studies from Lesley University.  Additionally, she recently earned an Inner MBA Certificate through Mindful NYU.  She has worked remotely from the Boston area for close to a decade and believes that every day of life is an opportunity to learn and supports her learning habit with meditation and yoga, travel, time outside, and by visiting off-the-beaten path coffee shops.


Questions and Resources

Do you have a specific question that you’d like addressed?  We welcome you to share via this quick Penn State Pre-Workshop Survey. Bring your curiosity and your questions to this interactive session.

Feel free to review the Rock Your Profile Handouts ahead of the event.